
Friday, April 14, 2017

Strong Showing of Youth at Good Friday Prayer Vigil in Philadelphia

 Pat Stanton with nephew Shaun hold up a wooden cross.

In the midst of 120 prayer warriors in front of the largest Planned Parenthood in the state, 100 teenagers were taking time out of their Easter break to give witness to their faith.

The teenagers are a part of the group called Philly Missions, now in its fifth year. They dedicate an entire holy week to building a culture of life among the poor, unborn, disabled, and orphan. Many of the teens come from all across the Philly suburbs.

In his reflections, Pat Stanton reminded everyone that abortion facilities are the modern day Calvary, where thousands of babies are killed by apathetic doctors. The good news is as he pointed to the Philadelphia Community Women's Center across from the killing has saved 35 babies.

The prayer vigil began with meditation of the sorrowful mysteries which also included singing of traditional hymns like "Be Not Afraid", "Soul of My Savior, and "Were You There".

Edel Finnegan, Director of the Pro Life Union of greater Philadelphia, encouraged the young people to please stay involved in the pro life movement and support our endeavors to be present in front of abortion facilities like Planned Parenthood in Center City.

Edel Finnegan delivering a speech to those gathered.

The second to last speaker was Dr. Monique Ruberu. Prior to leading the Divine Mercy Chaplet, she reflected on something moving that happened on Wednesday while praying in front of the "Gates of Hell". A young woman was about to enter the facility when Monique pleaded for her. Little did she know as Monique made contact with her, she noticed a prayer card of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Monique pleaded to the young 12 week pregnant mom to not go in the Planned Parenthood. Monique escorted her to the community women's center and later received news that she chose life. The crowd cheered though a male escort was angry at the news that she asked other escorts if "they heard what she said".

In his closing remarks, Father Scott Reilly of the Legionnaires of Christ reminded everyone the real meaning behind Good Friday.

Father Scott Reilly giving his reflections on Good Friday

"Good Friday is the day when Jesus took it all for us."

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