
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

40 Days for Life - Upcoming Fall 2017 Campaign

yesterday marked the first day of 40 days for life 40 days set aside ...
This year’s campaign reported 637 known saves of babies from abortions. And we will never know how many people were influenced as they drove by and saw the pro-life message on public display. If you are not familiar with the 40 Days for Life organization, now would be a good time to review the website and read the stories from across the globe of lives that have been saved through peaceful, prayerful public vigils. 

You may decide to join a campaign in your local area or even lead a campaign if your church or organization has never participated.

There is a fee to register with 40 Days for Life but it is well worth it as it provides access to promotional materials (flyers, bulletin announcements, devotional readings), as well as an online calendar to schedule vigil volunteers. The 40 Days for Life organization also offers a great support system and is readily available by phone or email to answer any questions you may have. During a campaign, there are daily updates as 40 Days for Life representatives personally visit the various vigil sites in the 40 Days for Life bus and share the stories of vigil participants like yourself.

And while the primary goal of being a vigil volunteer is to save a baby’s life, an added benefit is meeting some wonderful pro-life advocates who reside in your own neighborhood.

The 40 Days for Life Fall campaign is scheduled for September 27th thru November 5th and registration opens on June 1st. This would be a good time to learn about 40 Days for Life and after some prayerful consideration, join the ranks of those who publicly stand up as a voice for those children who cannot speak for themselves.

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