
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Mother Who Refused Cancer Treatment to Save Her Unborn Son’s Life Gives Birth to Healthy Baby

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Few things compare to a mother’s sacrificial love for her child. British mom Emma Johns displayed this ultimate act of love recently when she gave up her cancer treatments to protect her unborn son’s life.

The Daily Mail reports Johns was first diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago, just one year after she and her husband, Matt, got married.

The news and the disease were devastating, but the couple said they worked hard to stay positive and make the most of life. As her treatment continued, doctors found more problems: cancerous tumors on her chest followed by a diagnosis of incurable bone cancer, the report states. Johns said doctors told her she probably had two to five years left to live.

In the midst of all this, Johns learned more shocking news: She was pregnant.

“Matt was away working when I got the news,” she remembered. “The doctors called me in for an emergency meeting and I knew it was bad news.

“When I sat in the doctor office and he told me my cancer was back, I was ok. He then said…’we found something else’. I immediately thought the cancer had spread all over. But he said, ‘you’re pregnant’.”

Johns said she was on chemotherapy at the time, and doctors had told her that it made her infertile.

“After that I was shell shocked,” she continued. “They sent me immediately for an ultrasound. I expected to see a cashew nut sized fetus. Instead I saw a full sized 18 week baby sucking its thumb. I knew there and then that I was having that baby.”

Johns said her doctors recommended that she have an abortion several times; they said cancer treatment drugs are not safe for unborn babies early in pregnancy, and her son could have “serious defects.”

Life News story continues 

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