
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Legacy of Life: Transforming Lives

As I headed up I-95 for a tour of the Legacy of Life center, I missed my exit due to a change in traffic patterns and various cones, signs and equipment dotting the highway.  I wasn’t lost – I just needed to go a little further out of my way to get where I needed to be.  Once I arrived, I realized the extra time was definitely worth it.

Legacy of Life transforms lives by providing support and counseling to women in a crisis pregnancy so that they can overcome their fears and acknowledge that they are not alone during this journey.  During the tour we learned that the centers (there are two) offer free pregnancy testing, ultrasound, adoption referrals, parenting assistance and family support. In addition, there are opportunities for the women to engage in joyful camaraderie through such activities as art classes and picnics -- things they never may have had an opportunity to experience.   A positive and loving energy emanates from the staff and throughout the building itself.  Each room is crafted with care to offer a welcoming comfort to anyone who walks through the door. And the room that is filled to the brim with new baby clothes will just make you smile! This is a place that does not judge but instead offers peace, hope and ultimately joy to mothers who are not quite sure where to turn. 

For those in the Philadelphia tri-county area, I would highly recommend contacting Legacy of Life  (215-788-4051) to schedule a tour or visit their website to learn more about this organization’s invaluable mission.  Contributions – both monetary and office/baby supplies - are always welcome to ensure this supportive environment can continue. There are also opportunities to volunteer your time and talents.

Any of us can experience a detour in life – we are not necessarily lost, but just need a little extra time and guidance to know where we need to be.  Legacy of Life offers women and families this time and guidance in a loving and nurturing atmosphere.

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