
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

New Video with Urgent Message to Senate: Defund Planned Parenthood Now

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Washington, DC - As the Senate considers legislation that would defund Planned Parenthood, a new video produced by Operation Rescue provides a compelling reason for urgency.

The 1.5-minute video plays an excerpt from the chilling 911 call placed by Cree Erwin-Shepard's mother when she found her daughter dead from a botched abortion on July 4, 2016. That is followed by a video clip of remarks made by Erwin-Sheppard's brother, Tyler Sheppard, at a press conference held last month outside the Planned Parenthood in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where Erwin-Sheppard received her fatal abortion.

Referring to Planned Parenthood, Sheppard explained, "They are ravaging these women . . . I want to know what happened. I want to know why my sister's life wasn't good enough to save."

"Our federal tax money currently enables Planned Parenthood to continue to inflict human tragedy on our society," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. "The response of Cree's family to her loss humanizes that tragedy. This gives new urgency to the Senate's impending vote to defund Planned Parenthood. If this family's grief and pain are overlooked or ignored, then the Senate is only creating conditions that will ensure more women like Cree will be injured or killed, and more families will suffer."

Please contact your Senators today and demand the defunding of Planned Parenthood!

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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