
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Let Your Pro-Life Voice Be Heard : Chow for Choice

We are all familiar with local schools and non-profit organizations partnering with restaurants or businesses to receive a percentage of revenue on a particular day.  Usually the money is put towards athletic teams, schools, or to support local pet shelters. It’s a win-win all around.  The organization benefits monetarily and the business gets some free publicity and a charitable tax write-off, as well as attaining some goodwill in the community.

On May 16th, several restaurants in North Carolina will be participating in such a campaign – unfortunately, the beneficiary of the proceeds will be Planned Parenthood.  Here is a link to a local  article which provides the restaurants participating in Asheville, NC.  If you click on each of the restaurant names, it will bring you to the restaurant’s website where you can use the “contact” link to voice your pro-life opinion of this campaign.

Further, if you visit the Chow for Choice website, at the top there is a list of the other cities in North Carolina and the corresponding restaurants who are willing participants – again, you can search out the website and share your opinion with the business management on their poor decision making.

And don’t think your voice won’t be heard.  In January of this year, the Chili’s restaurant chain in Indiana and Kentucky cancelled a “Give Back” program which would have benefited Planned Parenthood.  Negative comments from pro-life supporters forced them to rethink their strategy and cancel the campaign. 

Businesses have every right to do as they wish with their proceeds – but they should understand the impact of these decisions.  And unless we continue to communicate our pro-life views to the business community, they will blindly continue to support organizations like Planned Parenthood.

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