
Sunday, May 14, 2017

New Human Trafficking Foundation May Support Abortion and Prostitution

By Austin Ruse
Center for Family 

& Human Rights (C-Fam)

WASHINGTON, D.C., May 12 (C-Fam) Conservative human rights groups are increasingly alarmed about a new funding proposal to combat human trafficking around the world. They are concerned also about the groups that seem to have gotten the ear of the White House, specifically Ivanka Trump, who appears to be quarterbacking the White House position.

The immediate issue is the End Modern Slavery Initiative and $25 million that is now open for groups to apply for. The money available from the State Department is primarily to lure more donors—foundations, foreign governments, businesses, and advocacy groups—in order to create a permanent billion-dollar foundation that would be beyond the influence of U.S. policy makers.

The program came into being during the Obama administration with the support of senior Republican Senators and, critics say, with only limited input from conservative human rights groups that work on human trafficking.

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