
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Opens Next to Immigration Office to Prey on Hispanic Women

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Planned Parenthood opened a new abortion clinic in Memphis, Tennessee this month to target Spanish-speaking women and their unborn babies.

The abortion chain has a history of targeting minorities for abortions. A survey of their surgical abortion facilities in 2010 found that 79 percent are located within walking distance of African American or Latino neighborhoods.

Officials from the Memphis Planned Parenthood even told the Memphis Business Journal that “better serv[ing] the city’s growing Spanish-speaking population” is one of their goals for the new abortion facility.
“We know that our services will be more and more vital to women and families across the Mid-South in the years ahead, and we are so grateful to be able to accommodate them here,” said Ashley Coffield, president of the abortion group’s Tennessee branch. “With our community’s phenomenal support, we are growing to meet that need.”
The new abortion facility is Planned Parenthood’s second location in Memphis. It opened May 1.

Planned Parenthood spent $2.7 million to renovate and open the new abortion clinic; and it expects to reach about 7,000 additional patients there, according to the report.

ColorLines reports the abortion facility is located next to an Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) office, and some abortion activists are upset that the proximity could make undocumented immigrants afraid to visit Planned Parenthood.

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