
Monday, May 29, 2017

Woman with Down Syndrome Addresses United Nations About Her ‘Right to Live’

Nancy Flanders
Live Action News
After watching the documentary, “A World Without Down Syndrome,” 21-year-old Charlotte Helene Fien, who has Down syndrome and autism, wrote a speech about her right to life which she would later read in front of the United Nations.
“In the 1930’s and 1940’s, the Nazis decided to get rid of all disabled people,” she said. “More than 200,000 disabled people were murdered, including many children with Down syndrome. Today the same thing is happening. 
A test that checks for Down syndrome is being used to kill all babies with Down syndrome. In Iceland, Denmark, and China, not a single baby with Down syndrome has been born for seven years. Seven years! The goal is to eradicate 
Down syndrome in the future. This makes me angry and very sad.”

Fien went on to say that while she had Down syndrome, she is not suffering, she is not ill, and none of her friends with Down syndrome are suffering either. They go to the pub, have boyfriends, and plan for the future.
“We just have an extra chromosome,” she said. “We are still human beings. We are human beings.”
She asks people not to feel sorry for her and says she loves her life. She loves to play golf and wants to teach children to play golf. She travels independently to other countries and doesn’t let Down syndrome hold her back.
“Please do not try to kill us all off,” she asks. “Do not allow this test. If you do allow it you are no better than the Nazis […] I have a right to live and so do other people like me.”
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