
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Trump’s Budget Eliminates Funding for Planned Parenthood, Directs Money to Health Centers

By Susan Michelle-Hanson
Live Action News

The Trump administration seems intent on keeping its campaign promise of defunding Planned Parenthood. President Donald Trump’s new fiscal year 2018 budget eliminates funding for Planned Parenthood, including Medicaid reimbursements, cutting the abortion giant out of federal programs. The redirection of funds away from Planned Parenthood would send a $422 million increase in federal funding to community health centers.

The Huffington Post reports:

The Trump administration’s proposed budget specifically excludes Planned Parenthood from all Department of Health and Human Services programs, apparently the first time a president’s budget has done so, according to the leaked executive summary of the plan.

Trump’s proposed fiscal 2018 budget “follows through on a campaign promise and prohibits any funding in the Labor-HHS appropriations bill for certain entities that provide abortions, including Planned Parenthood,” the executive summary says. “This prohibition applies to all funds in the bill, including Medicaid.”

New York Magazine adds:

If the budget is approved as is, all this would take effect regardless of the fact that the Hyde amendment (which lawmakers recently voted to make permanent) bars federal funds from going toward abortions. And because about 60 percent of Planned Parenthood’s patients use federal programs like Medicaid and Title X to pay for their non-abortion-related health care, this budget means they’d be forced to go elsewhere.

Planned Parenthood clients, of course, have a myriad of options to receive the same care, minus anything abortion-related. Comprehensive health care can be obtained at the thousands of federally funded health center sites in the United States, which are located not only in the larger cities, but also in rural communities where the abortion profiteer has no presence. 

In other words, no patient seeking legitimate health care services would be deprived of care from this change. This is something Planned Parenthood knows, and all but admitted last week ,when it began shutting down some of its facilities which didn’t commit abortions.

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