
Saturday, June 24, 2017

3 Major Developments with Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania - Action Needed!

Pennsylvania Family Institute

  1. Contact US Senators Pat Toomey & Bob Casey
  2. Reading High School Board Makes Sudden Change, Threat of Planned Parenthood in School Continues
  3. Planned Parenthood Funding (and failing) Elections

1) Please contact U.S. Senator Pat Toomey and U.S. Senator Bob Casey - Voting to defund Planned Parenthood as soon as next week!

In May, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act. One provision in the bill would defund Planned Parenthood, which currently receives about $550 million a year of taxpayer money.

Recent news reports indicate the U.S. Senate may be unwilling to defund Planned Parenthood. A Senate vote could come as early as next week.

Since the passage of the bill in the House, Planned Parenthood has put on an aggressive, well-funded media campaign targeting U.S. Senators that likely would vote to defund Planned Parenthood; including our own U.S. Senator Pat Toomey.

Senator Pat Toomey and Senator Bob Casey need to hear from you! They need to know that American taxpayer money should fund local community health centers, not subsidize a scandal-ridden, billion-dollar abortion business.


  • Contact your Senators today to voice your support for defunding Planned Parenthood!  Ask them to vote to defund Planned Parenthood.
  • Pray! Please pray that the Senate defunds Planned Parenthood. 

2) Reading High School Board Makes Sudden Change, Threat of Planned Parenthood in School Continues

Our staff was on hand for the rally and board meeting in Reading, PA this week because the school district is considering allowing Planned Parenthood to operate directly in the high school.

Watch our three-minute video update below for highlights of this rally.

In a surprising move to everyone attending - including several local reporters - the board decided to remove this part of the meeting from their agenda and did not discuss Planned Parenthood at all during the evening.

It's being reported that the board intends to bring this up again in August but thus far nothing has formally been announced. The next board meeting is Wednesday, June 28th, but again, nothing yet on whether they will choose to vote on this proposal. We will certainly keep you posted once we hear more.

To the Reading, PA community - keep up the good work! Our team overheard several board members as they were heading into the meeting state that they had received hundreds of emails from folks with concerns about the proposal. With their last-minute decision to remove any discussion from the agenda in front of a room filled with people against the proposal, this may be a good sign.

You can go right now to our Citizen Action Center - direct link here and send the board members an email asking for their opposition to the proposal.

Planned Parenthood Reading is just two miles away from the high school and they perform hundreds of abortions every year. No one from Planned Parenthood that directly profits from abortions ($450 - $540 on each) should be able to influence high schoolers during the school day regarding teen pregnancy and sexual relationships.

Thank you for any help you can be in this effort. Please help spread the word. PA Family Institute will certainly keep you updated with the latest news.

3) Planned Parenthood Funding (and failing) Elections

"Jon Ossoff lost the House race in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District despite receiving nearly three-quarters of $1 million from the Planned Parenthood Action Fund." (Washington Times)

In the 2016 elections, Planned Parenthood spent over $30 million, “the most money it ever spent in an election and double what it spent in the last cycle.” This included:

  • “Planned Parenthood Votes & Action Fund’s $250,000 ad buy is a digital ad that will also run in Philadelphia” against Senator Pat Toomey (June 2016)
  • $1.3 million ad buy targeting Senator Pat Toomey (August 2016)
  • Planned Parenthood launches seven-figure ad buy for Hillary Clinton (February 2016)

Ninety-nine percent (99%) of their political spending goes to pro-abortion candidates, matching their Twitter feed riddled with political posts pushing their abortion-selling agenda.

Yet Planned Parenthood continues to receive millions in taxpayer funding. Planned Parenthood really stands alone as being the major recipient of taxpayer funding and being a major election financial contributor.

With all this spending, it sure looks like Planned Parenthood does not need taxpayer funding to subsidize their pro-abortion agenda.

**Take Action**

Here in Pennsylvania, an effort to prioritize the limited funding for family planning services is a step in the right direction. SB300 and HB1542 would invest in those offering comprehensive care for women and families and not give priority to those offering limited services and directly involved in abortions. Use our Citizen Action Center to contact your State Senator in support of SB300 & HB1542.

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty.  Use this link for more information on this organization.  

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