
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, Supposed Pro-Life Democrat, Has a 0% Pro-Life Voting Record This Year

By Maria Gallagher
Life News

When it comes to pro-life votes, U.S. Senator Bob Casey, Jr. has entered the “Hall of Shame.”

The son of the late Pennsylvania pro-life hero, Gov. Robert Casey, Sr., has voted not once, not twice, but three times against the pro-life position in critical votes in the U.S. Senate this year, according to National Right to Life’s highly-respected pro-life voting scorecard.

His votes add up to a whopping 0 percent pro-life voting record in 2017.

This from a man who claims he is pro-life—even while he promotes Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion operation, which commits more than 320,000 abortions annually.

In fact, today (Friday), Planned Parenthood Advocates of PA tweeted a photo of a rally they were attending in the Pennsylvania state Capitol which prominently featured–guess who?– Senator Casey.

The rally claimed to be promoting health care. However no matter how often and how loudly PPFA argues otherwise, abortion is not health care.

Sen. Casey voted against legislation nullifying pro-abortion President Barack Obama’s parting gift to Planned Parenthood. In recent years, several states receiving Title X family planning grants have opted to direct those funds to county health departments, community health centers, or other types of providers, in preference to organizations engaged in objectionable activities, such as Planned Parenthood, a mega-marketer of abortion.

At the eleventh hour of his administration. Obama’s Department Heath and Human Services issued a rule designed to prevent states from redirecting Title X funds away from unsuitable organizations such as Planned Parenthood.

Thankfully, the nullification of the pro-abortion Title X rule passed Congress and was signed into law by pro-life President Donald Trump—no thanks to Bob Casey.

Casey voted again contrary to the pro-life position of National Right to Life and the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation (an NRLC affiliate) when he voted the wrong way to allow filibusters for Supreme Court nominations. And then he hit the trifecta by voting against the confirmation of the highly-qualified and esteemed Neil Gorsuch as Supreme Court justice. Again, Justice Gorsuch safely made it to the High Court, again with no help from Casey.

Life News continues

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