
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

George Soros, Pro-Abortion Groups Back PA Merit Selection Bill for Supreme Court Justices

Don’t Let Lawmakers Take Away Your Right to Vote for Judges!

By Maria Gallagher
Legislative Director
PA Pro-Life Federation

A handful of state lawmakers are pushing a bill designed to take away the public’s sacred right to vote for appeals court judges in Pennsylvania.

House Bill 111, sponsored by state Representative Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster), would remove the voters’ right to cast ballots for the state Supreme Court, Superior Court, and Commonwealth Court. 

Instead, a pro-abortion Governor could make the judicial appointments from a list created by a small, elite group of political appointees.
Early supporters of so-called “merit selection” of judges included the American Civil Liberties Union and the Women’s Law Project—two prominent pro-abortion groups which routinely challenge laws protecting preborn children and their mothers from the harm of abortion. It stands to reason that these groups believe they can stack the court with pro-abortion judges, under the false guise of “merit.”
Billionaire abortion-backer George Soros has been funding “merit selection” efforts throughout the country in an effort to place liberal judges on state courts.
Backers of the Pennsylvania legislation note that the PA General Assembly would have to pass a so-called merit selection plan in two consecutive sessions. Then, the issue would be placed on the statewide ballot for voters to decide.

But advocates for electing judges point out that voters should not be forced to head to the polls to defend a right they already have. Pro-election legislators—who vehemently oppose the plan—also note that untold sums of money could be poured into a campaign to convince voters they do not need to vote for appellate judges. 

At a time when many constituents are calling for greater transparency from elected officials, selecting judges behind closed doors seems out of step with the will of a majority of voters. And changing the Pennsylvania Constitution to accommodate politically-appointed judges seems a radical response to any current challenges within our election process. 

House Bill 111 has been reported out of the PA House Judiciary Committee and could come up for a vote on the House floor at any time.

Action Item: Please call your state representative and ask him or her to oppose House Bill 111 because you don’t want your right to vote for judges to be taken away. If you don’t know who your state representative is, or you need contact information please use this link.  

Website: PA Pro-Life Federation

Blogger's comment: 

Why would George Soros and pro-abortion groups support legislation
to take away the right of people to vote for their state supreme court justices?

Could it be that using 'merit selection' by a 'select panel' would place pro-abortion state supreme court justices to hand down decisions in cases involving unborn children, euthanasia of the elderly/disabled and assisted suicide?

When those who support and fund abortion become involved in any state legislation, beware of their evil agenda against the sanctity of life.

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