
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Nancy Pelosi Won’t Say Aborting a Baby With Beating Heart “Dishonors God”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

CNS News put pro-abortion House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on the spot this week, asking her if aborting an unborn baby with a beating heart dishonors God.

Pelosi, a Democrat who claims to be a practicing Catholic, strongly supports abortion. Going against her faith, Pelosi repeatedly has voted to support the abortion chain Planned Parenthood and oppose regulations and limits to abortion.

Interestingly, Pelosi often brings up her faith to explain her support for other issues, such as the environment and welfare. Last week, she mentioned honoring God when she opposed a decision by the U.S. to pull out of the Paris Accord on climate change.

On Thursday during Pelosi’s press briefing, the conservative news outlet decided to find out if she would respond similarly when confronted with the reality of abortion. Perhaps unsurprisingly, she dodged the question.

Here’s Pelosi’s response: “Three weeks ago you said we need to be ‘responsible stewards’ of ‘God’s creation.'”
Pelosi: Yes. “And that it dishonors God to pull out of the Paris Accord.”
Pelosi: “Yes.” “The Heartbeat Protection Act would prohibit aborting a baby with a heartbeat. Does it dishonor God to abort a baby with a beating heart?”
Pelosi did not answer the question directly but said: “I don’t—obviously you want to get into that discussion. What I say is: I completely respect a woman’s right to choose. I am a mother of five children, nine grandchildren. …
Pelosi continued: “I come from a very strong Italian Catholic family and many of my friends and family members do not share my view. But it is my view that it is up to a woman to have her own right to choose the size and timing of her family. God gives us a free will and holds us responsible and accountable for our actions.”
For many religious Americans, including many Democrats, unborn babies are part of God’s creation and deserve protection – but not to Pelosi. In 2013, she put her foot in her mouth during a press conference, calling late-term abortions “sacred ground

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