
Friday, July 28, 2017

Action Update: Waco Abortion Schedule, Overpass Outreach, Second Sunday & more

from John Pisciotta, Director 
Pro-Life Waco 

Jesus said to his disciples, “Is a lamp brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed, and not to be placed on a lampstand? Mark 4:21

1. We know the days when babies will die in Waco


We must faithfully response to the difficult realities in our community. Earlier this month, we learned the identity of the Waco Planned Parenthood abortionist: Nicola Louise Moore, the circuit-rider abortionist from Cambridge, Massachusetts. Now Planned Parenthood has revealed on its web site the hours that abortionist Moore will be in Waco to extinguish the defenseless lives of Texas babies. As you see below abortion days will be Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. This tragic news is diminished slightly by the fact that the schedule is on alternating weeks.

There will be no abortions this week. However, the devastation of abortion will be administered on August 2, 3, & 4. I ask you to make an appointment with God for you to be at the sidewalk of 1121 Ross Ave. in pray for at least 15 minutes on one of these days. Care Net's SOS sonogram van will be on-site during these days. Likewise, we will have sidewalk counselors to engage abortion-minded moms, their husbands or boyfriends, other friends, and the baby’s grandparents who may be off also be involved in the planned abortion. If you cannot be on-site, please pray fervently on those days or any other days that moms will be guided to a decision for life for babies and to step away from personal anguish. You may also pray that you will not step away from the challenge of living in or near one of just 8 Texas baby holocaust cities.

2. Overpass outreach

   With just a short drive and walk, Waco area pro-lifers proclaim the Gospel of Life to travelers from far and wide: this Saturday, July 29.

Let’s seize the opportunity and enjoy being with our friends. Just drive to the end of South 8th Street and be a part of the Interstate 35 pedestrian overpass outreach. Saturday, July 29, from 10 AM to noon at the overpass near Baylor. We have strong G-rated messages on our signs. However, the strongest message is our personal witness showing that Waco and Texas stand up for innocent preborn life and I-35 traveler should too. Park near Panera Bread (1000 S. 8th Street). There is plenty of street parking available.

3. Second Sunday, August 13

I will have to cook a lot for this one.


Wow! For our Second Sunday Gathering August 13, our guest speaker will be the Reverend Stephen Broden, Senior Pastor of Fair Park Bible Fellowship in Dallas. The title of his presentation will be, “Abortion, Eugenics, and the Black Community.” Here is a link to a color PDF file you can use to flyer promote Rev. Broden’s visit to Waco. Forward to your friends. Share on social media. Print and give the flyer to your friends. This is what you will find on the PDF file.

Here is a biographical sketch for Pastor Broden.

  • Fair Park Bible Fellowship, Founding and Senior Pastor
  • Non-denominational inner-city church in Dallas
  • Protect Life and Marriage Texas, President
  • President of Fair Park Friendship Center
  • Founder of National Black Pro-Life Coalition
  • A guest on numbers local and national radio and television programs including The Glenn Beck show, The Huckabee Show, and Fox and Friends.
  • Career in business and broadcasting before entering ministry
  • Married to Donna Broden with two daughters and one son.

4. A difficult and expensive week for "Carolyn" the pro-life billboard truck


Last Thursday, the smog suppression module on the billboard truck froze up. We had to have Carolyn towed for the repair which set Pro-Life Waco back $631.

Carolyn the billboard truck has been such an asset to the pro-life cause in Central Texas and continues to be so in her senior years. Even though personal work and prayer are the most important resources for pro-life outreach, we must be attentive to our financial condition. I ask you to consider absorbing all or half the cost of this repair into your personal stewardship. You can make a one-time, tax-deductible donation to Pro-Life Waco at by clicking here or send a check to, PLW, PO Box 7771, Waco, TX, 76714.

5. JP’s Letter to the Editor of the Waco Tribune

Today I sent a Letter to the Editor of the Waco Tribune-Herald with a focus of Cecile Richards and making the case that Planned Parenthood should not receive any government financial support. The letter is below. You may or may not know that Cecile, the nearly $1 million a year CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, was born in Waco, Texas at Hillcrest Hospital on July 15, 1957. Cecile Richards is 60 years old. Her mother, former Gov. Ann Richards, chose life for Cecile. You may also know that Cecile Richards accepted her first three children into her family. However, she and her husband decided to provide "abortion care" to their fourth child.

Letter to the Editor

“If you’re not pissing someone off, you’re probably not doing your job.” These words were expressed by which of the following? 
A. A Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives.
B. An all-pro middle linebacker in the NFL.
C. An MSNBC television program host.
D. An executive of a healthcare organization.
The correct answer is “D.” The person was not the CEO of the Waco-based Family Health Center. Rather these words came from Waco-born Cecile Richards, the CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The remark was quoted in an interview with the liberal women’s blog, The Cut. 
The quote indicated that Planned Parenthood is something other than a healthcare organization. You would be shocked if the CEO of the Family Health Center or Providence Hospital spoke this way to the public. 
What gives? Among other things, Planned Parenthood’s mission is social transformation. Using its 501c4 political action status, Planned Parenthood is out to convince citizens of such ideas as “abortion on demand is social justice” and “gender is not determined by genetics or genitals.” 
This is one more reason why Planned Parenthood should not receive a dime of government funding. Planned Parenthood is truly an arm of the Democratic Party. When Planned Parenthood the organization can reach out to philanthropists, such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, who have and will step up to support the Planned Parenthood view of human reality and social justice.
Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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