
Friday, July 28, 2017

Cathedral Parish Hosts Drs. Ruberu and Larraui and NaPro Roadshow

 Barbara Rose delivers opening remarks

Presenters listen in on Dr. Monique Ruberu

In a way to raise awareness of Natural Family Planning, the cathedral parish hosts two extraordinary doctors, Monique Ruberu and Delia Larraui.

Fifty-four people, some who have never heard of it, learned firsthand what it entails. One group were downstairs for the English presentation, while another went upstairs They were introduced to a video entitled NaPro: The Quiet Revolution. In the documentary, produced by Blackfriar Media.

In the documentary, one doctor, Dr. Anne Nolte, formerly of St. Francis Xavier Church, now a doctor for the Gianna Center in New York.  In it she tells us that NaPro is quietly helping women make better decisions with their fertility without the use of chemicals.

In her opening remarks, Barbara Rose, member of FertilityCare and Immaculate Conception parish in Jenkintown, stresses that “NaPro Technology is the solution to the problems we have in today’s society.”

One way NaPro is different is the focus on natural birth regulation. It is taught not just to married women but also single women. Women can chart and evaluate gynecologic health. It is different from birth control because it is free and is beneficial to the body.

Dr. Monique Ruberu, an OBGYN for Holy Redeemer, went on to share her experience as a medical professional. She admitted that in her early career prescribed contraception, yet she later converted and began promoting NaPro because it is “counter cultural”. She outlines more of it in her book “Rising with Roses”, which can be purchased through amazon.

Today she describes herself as “daughter of Christ the King” and a doctor who wants to “nurture and protect life”.

Not only did viewers watch the documentary and listen to the presenters, they also had an opportunity to ask questions.
To learn more about the Creighton Model or to seek care, visit

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