
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Black Pastor Slams Abortion: 1,800 Black Babies Killed in Abortion Each Day

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

As NAACP leaders gather for the annual convention in Baltimore, several prominent black pastors and pro-lifers hope to convict civil rights advocates on the tragedy of abortion.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People supports abortion, despite it being the largest destroyer of black lives in America. The civil rights group even opposed a bill to ban abortions based on the unborn baby’s race. Several years ago, the NAACP also sued LifeNews and black pro-life advocate Ryan Bomberger after they exposed the organization’s pro-abortion stance.

This week, the Rev. Clenard Childress Jr., a leading pro-life advocate in the black community, hopes to reach out to leaders at the NAACP convention and share the truth about abortion, according to One News Now.

Of particular concern to Childress is a statement by Pastor William Barber, president of the NAACP chapter in North Carolina.
“We’re very frustrated with the words of Rev. Barber and his reference to the clergy praying for Donald Trump [and] insinuating that this administration is ‘preying’ upon black people, but it’s just the opposite,” Childress told the news outlet. “The NAACP and Rev. Barber support abortion, which is causing black genocide.”
Alveda King, another black pro-life advocate and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., made a similar statement earlier this month.
“[President Trump] is certainly fighting for civil rights today … leading the charge for civil rights today for the little unborn persons in the womb who have a right to live,” King told Fox & Friend
King and Childress both pointed to statistics showing that black babies are targeted for abortions more than babies of other races. He said nearly 1,800 unborn black babies are aborted every day, and the majority of abortion clinics are located in minority neighborhoods in the U.S.

Research by Protecting Black Life found that 79 percent of Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of black and Latino neighborhoods.
“It’s time for clergy to own up to the responsibility of shepherding their sheep and leading them away from the slaughter, not to the slaughter,” Childress said.
Childress is the assistant to the national director of the Life Education And Resource Network (L.E.A.R.N.), the largest African American pro-life group in the United States. He said they have had success reaching out to black pastors about abortion, and a growing number are waking up to the truth about the violence against unborn black lives.

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