
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Presidential Record on Life--2017!

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation 

Pro-life President Donald Trump has amassed numerous victories in the fight to protect innocent human life in just the first year of his Administration.

One lasting life-affirming legacy comes in the form of his appointment of strict constructionist Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. Justice Gorsuch has written that "human life is inherently valuable, and that the taking of human life by private persons is always wrong." In order to overturn the tragic 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion for any reason during all nine months of pregnancy, we need Justices on the High Court who recognize that the taking of an innocent human life is not a Constitutional right.

The President has also restored the Mexico City policy, which blocks taxpayer dollars from being awarded to organizations that perform or promote abortions overseas. President Trump also signed a law which ensures that individual states can redirect Title X funds away from unsuitable organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, which performs more than 320,000 abortions annually and has been mired in controversy. The President also cut off funding for the United Nations Population Fund because of its involvement in China's egregious forced abortion program.

Research has consistently shown that government funding of abortions increases abortion totals, so countless lives may be saved as a result of these critical executive actions.

In addition, the President has made numerous pro-life appointments to his Administration, from Attorney General Jeff Sessions to Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. Not to mention the fact that his Vice President, Mike Pence, accumulated an impressive 100 percent pro-life voting record while serving in Congress and has fought for compassionate alternatives to abortion.

The President has made good on his campaign pledge to protect precious preborn children and their mothers from the harm of abortion. In doing so, he has reversed the drastic course set by the pro-abortion Obama Administration, which openly feted the nation's largest abortion operation at the White House.

The People's House is no longer providing an open house for the abortion industry--and that is very good news indeed for women, children, and their families.

The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, Inc., is committed to promoting the dignity and value of human life from conception to natural death and to restoring legal protection for preborn children. Through legislation, political action, education and other legal means, we proclaim the truth about abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.  For more information or to find out how you can become involved, please use this link.  

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