
Wednesday, July 19, 2017


by Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th.

LONDON ( - One of the U.K.'s largest abortion providers is reporting that more than half of the women who had an abortion at its clinics were using contraception that failed.

British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS), an organization that performs abortions at more than sixty locations in the U.K., released a report Friday, which showed that "of 60,592 women who had an abortion at any gestation at BPAS clinics in 2016 ... over half (51.2 percent) of women were using a method of contraception."

Contrary to the popular claim made even by some Catholics that contraception prevents abortion, the study noted "public discourse and some family planning initiatives frequently imply that abortion can always be avoided through the use of contraception." It added, "However, each year, nine in every 100 women using the contraceptive pill, the most popular method of contraception in the U.K., six in every 100 using the contraceptive injection and nearly one in every 100 using the IUD (copper coil) will become pregnant."

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