
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Pro Life Summit Focuses on Expose' Documentary

 Steve Bozza, Director of Life and Family Office, giving his opening remarks.

 Dr. LaFranchi takes a question

Pat Stanton asks a question

Joe Gale (R), City Commissioner of Norristown, comments on the event

Despite a hot and humid Saturday in July, 100 leaders and activists gathered in Center City for the summer summit.

In his opening remarks, Steve Bozza shared how one student was furious about how her doctor did not disclose the side effects of abortion and birth control.

The documentary revealed that 35 states, including Pennsylvania, require counseling prior to an abortion.

Those gathered took time to hear firsthand from Dr.Angela LaFranchi, founder of Breast Cancer Research Institute. She reminded those in attended to know their family history and ask thoroughly on the options the doctors give you during your visits. It is better to know.

To view the documentary, visit or purchase it from Amazon.

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