
Monday, July 24, 2017

Judge Says Charlie Gard’s Parents Can’t Take Him to U.S. Even Though He Was Given U.S. Residency

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Charlie Gard’s parents appeared in court again Friday to discuss the next step in his case.

In the course of the hearing, British high court Justice Francis said their son cannot be moved to the United States for treatment without a court order, squashing hope that a move to grant him residency in the U.S. would help him, according to The Independent.

Earlier this week, U.S. Congressional leaders approved a measure to grant Charlie and his parents permanent residency status in an effort to make it easier for him to receive an experimental treatment. Pro-life Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Washington, led the effort; her daughter also was diagnosed with a fatal condition but survived because of an experimental treatment.

Charlie’s parents and his hospital are involved in an on-going legal battle over his medical care. The 11-month-old British infant suffers from a mitochondrial disease and brain damage.

Chris Gard and Connie Yates want to take their son to the United States for an experimental treatment. They raised more than $1.5 million for his care. His parents said they know the chance of the experimental treatment working is slim, but they want to try anyway for Charlie’s sake.

However, the courts and hospital have refused to allow them to transfer their son to another hospital. About a month ago, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the hospital can remove Charlie’s life support and allow him to die. The hospital recently agreed to consider new evidence involving Charlie’s condition before taking him off the ventilator.

Justice Francis will consider the new information Monday and Tuesday in court.

Here’s more from the report:
The judge also said Mr. Gard and Ms. Yates cannot take Charlie abroad without a court order, despite efforts by US Congress to grant him permanent residency in the country so he can fly there for treatment, according to [legal expert and journalist Joshua] Rozenberg.

Charlie, who was born on 4 August 2016, has a faulty RRM2B gene, which affects the cells responsible for energy production and respiration, leaving him unable to move or breath without a ventilator.

On Friday, the high court judge also had stern words for protesters outside Great Ormond Street Hospital, where Charlie is located. Justice Francis said protesters for Charlie have disturbed other patients and threatened staff, and he warned them to stop, the report states.

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