
Monday, July 24, 2017

Thomas More Helps Pro-Lifers Sue Their School

By Bob Kellogg
One News Now

Two students who started a pro-life club at a Pennsylvania public high school have gone to court over the school's requirements.

After receiving a letter from the Thomas More Society on behalf of the students, the school relented to allow the school club. But now Thomas More is suing over requirements that it says are unlawful.

The lawsuit, filed July 11 in Lehigh County, names the Parkland School District as well as the high school and three administrators. The students are Elizabeth Castro and Grace Schairer. 

Thomas More attorney Jocelyn Floyd says Parkland High School originally complained a pro-life club is "political" and "controversial," but it backed off those accusations when informed a school couldn't turn down a student club for such reasons per the Equal Access Act.

The school is demanding the pro-lifers change their mission statement, among other demands, and Floyd says no other clubs at Parkland have been subjected to special requirements.
"No other club has been told that they must restrict their communications to members of the club only," she says. "No other club has been told they can't have off-campus activities."
The lawsuit includes the Parkland School District as well as the high school.

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