
Friday, August 4, 2017

Abortionist Jane Hodgson: “Pregnancy is a Disease” and Abortion is the Cure

By Dave Andrusko
Life News

Come an anniversary, the publication of yet another pro-abortion rehash of the “history of abortion rights,” a partial eclipse of the sun, whatever it takes, large or small, we can be sure that journalists will find a reason to periodically celebrate pro-abortion “pioneers.”

Of course those laudatory profiles no longer include Dr. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of the predecessor to NARAL Pro-Choice America, or Norma McCorvey, the “Roe” of Roe v. Wade. Both were converts to the pro-life side. Thus they have been airbrushed out of the glorious history of “abortion rights” just as politicians no longer in favor used to be expunged from official Soviet portraits.

This all came to mind when I ran across a piece today that appeared in City Pages, a small publication in my home town of Minneapolis. Its lament was captured in the headline–“How hospitals outsourced America’s abortion controversy”–to Mike Mullen’s story but its real objective was (yet again) to celebrate the wonderfulness of the late Minnesota abortionist Jane Hodgson.

She is a favorite for many reasons. The legend of Jane Hodgson is that this “mild mannered woman” was radicalized by the plight of pregnant women pre-Roe v. Wade, going from opposing abortion to become a staunch champion of reproductive rights.

Her fate as a pro-abortion heroine was sealed when she became (as the New York Times put it) “the first American doctor charged for an abortion performed in a hospital.” She knew she would be charged; Minnesota’s abortion law in 1970 was, like most state’s, very protective.

Hodgson shrewdly chose to challenge the laws by aborting a woman who had contracted rubella during her pregnancy. There was built-in sympathy; babies whose mothers had rubella (German Measles) could be born with very serious birth complications.

She received a minor punishment that was put on hold pending appeal. When Roe v. Wade was handed down, her conviction was overturned. She never served a day in jail and took up a “second career” as one of the most familiar faces of the pro-abortion movement.

For 30 years Hodgson was a lead plaintiff or expert witness in numerous court battles,” Mullens writes. “She sided against laws mandating the consent of parents for minors seeking abortions,” to name just one example.

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