
Friday, August 4, 2017

International Humanitarian Group Promotes and Provides Abortion

By Lianne Laurence
National Right to Life

Doctors Without Borders is a name that evokes images of fearless, compassionate medics in the world’s hot spots, braving war, epidemics and disaster to bring live-saving care to the sick, wounded, and dying.

But the international humanitarian group better known as Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is also an abortion provider and vocal advocate for “safe” abortion.
“MSF boasts about performing abortions where the people have kept legal protection for their unborn children,” says Susan Yoshishara, researcher and writer with the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam).
“Even worse, they do so under the guise of helping to reduce maternal deaths even though medical experts agree what mothers need is better prenatal care, skilled birth attendants, and emergency obstetric care,” she told LifeSiteNews in an email.
“It’s disappointing,” says Dr. Robert Walley, founder of the Canada-based MaterCare International, which provides obstetric care in Kenya.MSF does “good stuff,” he said, but got “hooked” on abortion ideology.
“It was when they changed their policy on abortion a few years back now, that really kind of changed the image in a sense,” he told LifeSiteNews.

“Because they were there to save lives, to encourage everybody in the hardest, most difficult times, not to say, well, OK, we’ll do the abortions because we can’t do anything else.”

MSF facing internal dissent on abortion

Founded in 1971 by a group of French doctors, MSF’s Charter commits its medical personnel to providing emergency aid regardless of race, religion, or political convictions.

Now headquartered in Geneva and operating in 70 countries, MSF International gets about 92 percent of its budget from private donations, which “ensures operational independence and flexibility.”

MSF decided in 2004 to provide abortions in its field operations. But not all of its personnel immediately fell in lockstep with the policy, as midwife Catrin Schulte-Hillen admitted in a November 2016 interview with MSF International.

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