
Friday, August 11, 2017

August 9, 2007: Pro-Life Action League Squares Off With Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois

By Eric Scheidler
Pro-Life Action League

On August 9, 2007, the Pro-Life Action League began what would become one of the most important campaigns in our 37 year history—the fight against Planned Parenthood’s Aurora, Illinois mega-center. The facility, which was the first step in Planned Parenthood’s strategy of shifting from small clinics in many communities to building large, regional mega-centers, was brought into Aurora, Illinois under a cloud of deceit. 

They lied to the state of Illinois about their tax status, to the city government of Aurora about who they were and what their intentions were, and, by extension, to the people of Aurora who were given no notice whatsoever that the largest abortion clinic in the country at the time was about to move into their backyard. 

The ensuing struggle was a pitched battle with thousands of pro-lifers joining the fight to stop the nation’s largest abortion chain from opening their new flagship center in their town, making it, in the words of Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, “Ground Zero” in the abortion war. 

While the facility did eventually open, the battle itself had huge ramifications for the future of the Pro-Life Action League, and the pro-life movement as a whole. 

Click here to read a detailed history of the fight against Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois.

In the You Tube above, Pro-Life Action League executive director Eric Scheidler shares some reflections on this poignant anniversary. Look for more posts looking back on this historic chapter in the Pro-Life Action League’s history in the months ahead! 

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