
Friday, August 11, 2017

Doctor Sings ‘Happy Birthday’ To Every Baby He Delivers: Each Child Is ‘Important’

By Nancy Flanders
Live Action News

At Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC, Dr. Carey D. Andrew-Jaja celebrates the life of every new baby he delivers by breaking into song. The popular doctor sings freely, welcoming each child with a round of “Happy Birthday.” His celebration brings a smile to the faces of everyone in the room.

“I like to sing, but this particular part, singing to babies, started when I was a resident,” he explained in a video by UPMC. 

“There was a gentleman, an older obstetrician-gynecologist on staff and he loved to sing and later on when he was about to retire, he asked me, ‘Andy, do you sing to your babies?’ And I said, ‘No, it’s your stuff’ and he said ‘Go ahead, do it.’ So I started taking it over. He passed on the baton to me and I took it over and I started to sing to my babies ever since then and I do it every time.”

It’s clear that Dr. Andrew-Jaja loves the babies he delivers when he calls them “my babies.” Despite having delivered thousands of children, he calls each one “special,” “an individual” and “important.” He even visits the families after delivery and will sing “What a Wonderful World” to the babies.
“To me it’s a wonderful thing in my hand – the miracle of life – and the rest of it is that it’s a beautiful world we live in,” he explained. “And forget about all the crisis going on everywhere for a moment when you see that miracle of life in front of you.”
Indeed, preborn babies are a miracle, long before birth. From the moment of fertilization, each child has his or her own unique DNA. By as early as 16 days after fertilization, a baby’s heart is already beating.

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