
Friday, September 1, 2017

Conservatives Rally to Replace Republican Congressman Who Opposed Defunding Planned Parenthood

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Two national conservative groups plan to rally against a Pennsylvania Republican who voted against a bill to defund the abortion chain Planned Parenthood earlier this year.

U.S. Rep. Charlie Dent, a Republican from Pennsylvania, has a mixed voting record on pro-life issues. He only supports pro-life legislation about half of the time, according to the National Right to Life Committee.

Most recently, he was one of two House Republicans who voted against a bill to defund the No. 1 abortion business in America, Planned Parenthood.

This week, Americans for Limited Government and Phyllis Schlafly Eagles announced plans to hold a rally in Dent’s hometown to expose his liberal leanings, Breitbart reports. The rally is scheduled for Sept. 1 in Allentown.
“Charlie Dent’s career has been nothing more than a laundry list of abject surrender to the liberal Democrats,” event cosponsor Ed Martin said in a statement
“Americans are fed up and ready to reclaim the mantle of last November’s election. On Friday, we will call out liberal Tuesday Group leader Charlie Dent and the entire Pennsylvania Surrender Caucus and tell them to get back in line with the Trump agenda or get out of the way.”
Rick Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, told Breitbart that Dent is basically a Democrat if you look at his voting record. Manning said Dent seems to feel more “comfortable” working with pro-abortion Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi than leaders of his own party.

In February, Dent voted against a bill that would have overturned a rule pro-abortion President Barack Obama put in place preventing states from defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion business. The rule from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) prevented states from blocking Title X funding to abortion companies like Planned Parenthood.

U.S. Rep. John J. Faso of New York was the only other House Republican to oppose the measure.
In 2015, Dent was one of the Republican lawmakers accused of sabotaging a U.S. House vote on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. The bill would have banned abortions after 20 weeks when strong scientific evidence indicates unborn babies can feel pain.


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