
Friday, September 1, 2017

Laws Targeting Pregnancy Centers Are on the Rise. Here’s How They Can Protect Their Rights.

By Ken Connelly, Legal Counsel, ADF
National Right to Life

Pregnancy centers are motivated by the belief that life is a sacred gift from God, and that each individual human being deserves to be protected and welcomed into the world with open arms. But in a society where the freedom to peacefully live and work according to one’s sincerely held beliefs is under siege, it’s no surprise that pregnancy centers increasingly find themselves in the crosshairs.

At the top of the list of those targeting pregnancy centers are pro-abortion organizations and activists who object to the life-affirming services that these centers provide to pregnant women and their unborn children. In fact, in many states they, and their allies in state and local governments, have launched legislative campaigns to compel pregnancy centers to refer or advertise for abortion or abortifacient medications.
These efforts, which are growing more and more frequent and widespread, are aimed at destroying pregnancy centers by making them speak what they do not believe, and by making them act in ways that conflict with their very reason for being.
That’s why Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has created a new legal guide, Protecting Your Pregnancy Center from Religious Freedom Threats. It aims to provide pregnancy centers with the knowledge and foresight necessary to enable them to continue to operate in a way that is consistent with their mission and beliefs, without fear and without apology.
Within the guide are examples of what other ministries around the country are facing; how other pregnancy centers may be vulnerable to similar threats; and what they can do to secure crucial legal protections to help them prevail in the legal challenges that are sure to come.
It is not always easy to protect and defend life, especially when pressure and intimidation from a hostile world threaten the very mission of these pro-life pregnancy centers. But ADF remains ready to help as they protect life and seek to make abortion unwanted.
Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers Should Never Be Forced into Abortion Advocacy by the State
ADF stands ready to defend the right of pregnancy centers to operate according to their beliefs. Get a free copy of this guide to learn more about these rights, current cases, and practical steps pregnancy centers can take to protect themselves.  Get My Free Copy!

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