
Thursday, September 14, 2017

How Social Media is Opening a World of Possibility to Pomote the Pro-Life Message

By Maria Gallagher, PA Pro-Life Federation
National Right to Life

Lighting a candle rather than cursing the darkness has taken on a whole new and exciting meaning in our current age of social media.

Rather than condemn biased news media coverage of a pro-life candidate, you can take to your Facebook page and post a link to an informative piece at www.nationalighttolifenews. org or which lay out the differences between two candidates on the life issues.
Instead of grumbling about a television commentator who praises Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion operation, you can log on to Twitter to tweet out statistics showing that the abortion giant took the lives of more than 327,000 children according to its 2014-2015 annual report (See here).
Upset that cable television networks ignore the authentic “reality show” of an unborn child’s development? Go to the NRLC account on Pinterest and save the images from Rose’s First Photo Album, a fantastic educational resource which shows the stunning images and milestones of a preborn child’s development. Then encourage your fellow Pinterest enthusiasts to follow your board…in other words—spread the love—and the information!

A teenage family member of mine recently opened an Instagram account. I was pleasantly surprised when she clicked the “heart” button underneath a photo of me with a fashionably red “Stop Abortion Now!” sign, which I had posted earlier in the day.

I was even more surprised by the motto she had typed beneath the picture of herself and her dog which serves as her “profile” picture. The motto reads, “Because life is worth living no matter what, even in a desert or under a bridge.” She is sending out a pro-life message every time her 164 followers access her Instagram feed.
Social media has opened a world of possibility when it comes to promoting the pro-life message. You can post everything from Ultrasound pictures to March for Life video…from songs with a life-affirming message to YouTube videos showing the drive and determination of Special Olympians (Tragically, statistics show that as many as 90 percent of unborn children who are diagnosed with Down syndrome are victims of abortion.)
Not only can you influence your friends and family members with your pro-life posts, you can also have an impact on your elected officials. A Pennsylvania state lawmaker recently responded enthusiastically to my Twitter post about a woman who had saved a number of preborn lives with her sign offering to adopt children in danger of being aborted. That legislator may, in fact, remember that post, the next time pro-life legislation is up for a vote in the General Assembly.

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