
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Pro-Life Ministries Impacted by Harvey are Still Working to Help Moms in Need

“Once the nine pregnant women, as well as LifeHouse staff members—one of whom had to be rescued from a rooftop—were safe and sound, Phillips turned her attention to reaching out to expectant moms scattered throughout area shelters."

Joy House Volunteers Help Clean Up After Harvey

By Carole Novielli
Live Action News

Hurricane Harvey, a category four storm which dumped several feet of rain on a massive area of Southeast Texas as well as parts of Louisiana, impacted all aspects of society, from families to businesses to ministries. 

Among those affected are pregnancy help centers and maternity homes. But even amidst the tears and sorrow, there are some amazing stories of hope from within the pro-life community on the ground in the impacted flood area.

As the news coverage shows the overwhelming cleanup and recovery efforts, pro-life groups are reaching out in their communities to help others, despite being victims as well.

In North Houston, JoyHouse, which shelters pregnant women in crisis – including those who are victims of sex trafficking – is rebuilding after water ravaged their building.

Flooded room of JoyHouse after Hurricane Harvey
Founder Eva Joy told Live Action News that she started the ministry in 2009 after experiencing an abortion at the age of 16. “If someone would have been there to help when I was 16, I may have chosen life for my child,” she said.

JoyHouse shelters both pregnant moms along with children. Eva says JoyHouse wants to “make it just as easy for women to choose life as it is to choose abortion.”

As Harvey bore down on Houston, Eva said the ministry was forced to relocate the women to the homes of many of their volunteers. When they returned, they found that the water had flooded most of their building’s first story. Despite these losses, Eva was full of joy as she spoke with Live Action News.

JoyHouse is one of many ministries that operate under Compassion United in the North Houston area. Luke Redus, CU’s founder, told Live Action News that his group regularly ministers to the homeless in the area and is continuing to reach out to the homeless since the hurricane.
“They lost their home so-to-speak, we are continuing to reach out to them,” he said.
Eva Joy and Luke Redus Operate JoyHouse

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call or text 610-626-4006  

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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