
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Ireland Prime Minister Leo Varadkar: Unborn Babies Should Not Have Equal Rights as Adults

Life News

The Irish PM has made yet more contradictory remarks on abortion.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, who announced a referendum on the Eighth Amendment on his first day in office, shared his views on abortion in an interview with the New York Times.

He said: “As a doctor, I would perform pregnancy scans and while I don’t accept the view that the unborn child, the fetus, if you prefer that term, should have equal rights to an adult woman, to the mother, I don’t share this view that the baby in the womb, the fetus, whatever term you want to use, should have no rights at all.

“And there are people who take the view that human rights only begin after you’re born and that a child in the womb with a beating heart, the ability to hear, the ability to feel pain, should have no rights whatsoever. I don’t agree with that.”
Mr Varadkar has a history of expressing conflicting views on abortion and the rights of the unborn. His latest comments, in conjunction with his commitment to hold a referendum on the Eighth Amendment, will intensify suspicions that he is pursuing the campaign for political gain.

LifeNews Note: Courtesy of SPUC. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children is a leading pro-life organization in the United Kingdom.

Website: Life News

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