
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Margaret Sanger, the Racist Progressives Ignore

By Jim Sedlak, Vice President, American Life League
STOPP International

Over the last few months, much discussion and even some violence have surrounded the existence of statues and other reminders of the American Civil War.

The Civil War is seen by most as a fight over slavery, and therefore is tied closely to racism. Many people believe that we must obliterate from our society the existence of any perception of the support of racism. Hence, any statue of Robert E. Lee or other southern general must be removed from the landscape. This call for political correctness reached its zenith of stupidity when ESPN, worried about viewer backlash, reassigned a college football play-by-play announcer from a football game in Virginia to a game in another state. The reason? His name was Robert Lee!

Whatever you might think of this movement, there is a racist who has done more to destroy the black race than any other single person. That woman is Margaret Sanger. Sanger was a white eugenicist who filled her board of directors with people who thought like she did. Her first organization was the American Birth Control League (ABCL). It was founded in 1921, and among its initial board members was Lothrop Stoddard who authored the 1920 book The Rising Tide of Color: The Threat against White World-Supremacy.

In the 1930s, Sanger set out to convince black leaders that their race was stuck in a poverty cycle because their families were having too many children. It was a consistent teaching of Sanger’s and she used it to get birth control accepted among minorities and to stem that “rising tide of color” Stoddard had written about. Sanger’s efforts led to the ABCL establishing its Negro Project. Much has been written about the Negro Project, and even the New York University Sanger Papers Project was forced to admit: “Influenced strongly by both the eugenics movement and the progressive welfare programs of the New Deal era, the Negro Project was, from the start, largely indifferent to the needs of the black community and constructed in terms and with perceptions that today smack of racism.”

The purpose of STOPP International is really quite simple. We intend to cause such discontent with Planned Parenthood programs that it will have no choice but to close its doors and get out of town! That doesn't seem like too much to ask of an organization that has been ruthlessly attacking our children for years-abusing them in the womb and in the classroom.  For more information, please use this link. 

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