
Friday, September 8, 2017

Childbirth Changes Hearts

By Chelsea Zimmerman
Reflections of a Paralytic

Smarter Every Day is one of my favorite channels on YouTube. I’m not a big science/physics buff. But Destin manages to make it all really fun and interesting.

A few years ago I shared with you one of my favorite SED videos “Why You Didn’t Die at Childbirth“, explaining how human beings go from breathing fluid inside the mother’s womb to breathing air after birth. Quite fascinating.

This year he sort of followed up on that video after the birth of his fourth child. Here, after sharing some other pregnancy/childbirthing insights he and his wife have learned over the years, he describes experiencing the above change in his newborn daughter first-hand, noting how childbirth “changes hearts on many levels.”

The design and construction of human life is so awesomely perfect. And, while I can’t speak from any childbirth experience of my own, I can say that my heart has been forever changed in the past 16 months thanks to the births of my nephews.

Gosh I miss those little weirdos so much already!

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