
Monday, September 18, 2017

Nine Facts You Need to Know if You’re Considering an Abortion

By Cassy Fiano
Live Action News

The pro-abortion lobby claims to be “pro-choice” — but a big part of choice (especially when experiencing an unplanned pregnancy) is having all the information to make an informed decision, especially when you are considering having an abortion

The choice to have an abortion is a monumental one, something life-changing for the mother, and life-ending for the baby. Once it’s over, it can’t be undone. A woman considering abortion deserves to have all the information the abortion industry won’t tell her.

This is our guide to real choice before you consider an abortion:

1. Your Baby is Alive.

One of the most frequent tactics used by the abortion industry is to deny the humanity of preborn children. Abortionists say the baby is just a clump of tissue or a blob of cells. They lie about fetal development, with some claiming the baby isn’t actually alive yet. Live Action’s medical misinformation investigation exposed this unethical behavior at Planned Parenthood facilities around the country.

Here’s the truth: your baby is alive, and is not just part of your body, but a separate, living human being from the moment of conception, a fact backed up by science.

At conception (fertilization), the baby already has his/her own separate, individual, unique DNA. Within three weeks, often before women even know they’re pregnant, the baby’s organs have already begun to develop and the heart has begun beating, at just 18 days gestation. By 22 days, the heart is pumping blood. By six weeks, the baby has measurable brain waves and responds to touch.

The science of embryology and fetal development makes it clear: these are not just blobs of tissue to be carelessly discarded, but living human beings.

2. Abortion Risks Your Physical Health.

The abortion industry promises women that having an abortion is perfectly safe, that the risks to your life and health are so minimal as to be practically nonexistent. But is that true?

Abortion comes with enormous risks to women that they’re often not told about before undergoing the procedure. The most well-known — and controversial — of these risks is that of breast cancer, heavily disputed by pro-abortion advocates. Multiple studies have found that abortion does, in fact, increase the risk of breast cancer, up to a 20.62% increased risk. There are also increased risks for cervical, liver, and ovarian cancers.

In addition to cancer, abortion also carries other risks to women’s physical health. If you’re considering having children in the future, it would be wise to consider that abortion is known to increase the chances of premature birth in future pregnancies. Women who have had abortions are also more likely to get endometriosis or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease.

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does?  

National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
In Southeast Penna:  Call or text 610-626-4006  

If you or someone you know is suffering after abortion, confidential non-judgmental help is available.  Call Project Rachel's national toll-free number 888-456-HOPE (4673) or visit  

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