
Sunday, September 17, 2017

Troubled Harrisburg Abortion Facility Closes

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director
PA Pro-Life Federation

The embattled Hillcrest Women’s Medical Center has shut its doors.

Government sources have confirmed that Hillcrest has voluntarily relinquished its license to operate as an abortion facility.

The abortion center had until August 31st to fix the myriad of health and safety problems discovered during an inspection earlier this year. That inspection yielded an astounding 44 pages worth of violations.

A group of state Senators demanded to know why the state Health Department allowed the facility to remain open, given its abysmal safety record. A follow-up inspection resulted in Hillcrest being shuttered until it could meet basic health standards.

But the deadline for compliance came and went with little indication the abortion center would reopen. A notice posted by the local natural gas company indicated that the gas had been shut off. A subsequent notice by the electric company said the electricity would be cut off if $1,600 in bills was not paid within the week.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health website now lists Hillcrest as “closed.” For the health and safety of central Pennsylvania women, the closure is long overdue.

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