
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Rep. Trent Franks Condemns ‘Inhumanity’ of Abortion: ‘Isn’t it About Time We Changed Direction?’

By Katie Yoder
Live Action News

One U.S. politician is challenging the media to accurately report on a bill he hopes will show the “humanity of the unborn.”

On Tuesday, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) held a press conference with pro-life leaders and politicians to announce an Oct. 3 vote on the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. Speakers at the Washington, D.C. event included Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser and the Pickering family.

In July 2012, Micah Pickering was born prematurely at twenty weeks (22 weeks gestation) to Clayton and Danielle. This piece of legislation aims to protect unborn babies after five months, or Micah’s age at birth, when SBA List reports babies can feel pain. Today, Micah is a healthy 5-year-old.

Following the press conference, Rep. Franks spoke with MRC Culture about how he wished media would cover the event: by reporting that Americans can agree on this legislation.

“I would simply want them to say that even though Americans are divided on the abortion issue, when it comes to protecting pain-capable unborn children that have reached the beginning of the sixth month, that we should all have the humanity to come together on something of that clarity and significance,” he urged.
“That I hope this bill will demonstrate the humanity of the unborn and the inhumanity of what’s being done to them.”
But he wasn’t confident that reporters would accurately cover the legislation.
“If the media will do that, they will have done their job,” he added. “I’m afraid that that will be a rare occurrence.”
Rep. Franks pointed to two “great challenges in the life movement.” The first, he said, was a lack of knowledge.
Citizens “simply didn’t know how real these little babies were, how human they were, how much they looked like babies, that we could take their fingerprints at 10 weeks and identify them at 50 years,” he said. “So there’s a lot of ignorance that occurs."

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