
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Abortion Activists: No, Unborn Babies Don’t Feel Pain in Dismemberment Abortions

By Father Frank Pavone
Life News

Of all the indefensible claims made by abortionists, there are some that apparently even they can’t bring themselves to take seriously — or argue in court.

Take, for example, the abortion lobby’s allegations against the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, a law now being enforced in 15 states and with a national version set to come up for a vote in the House of Representatives next week.

The measure has been on the books since Nebraska passed the first such law in 2010, protecting from abortion any unborn babies old enough to feel the pain of having their arms and legs ripped from their bodies. Yet, while major abortion profiteers and their enablers verbalize opposition to the legislation year after year, they remain all talk and no lawsuit.
That’s because those who sit atop abortion’s carnage realize that there are some aspects of their trade that are so gruesome, so repulsive, that even they can’t spin them away with vague euphemisms. In their eyes, it’s better to keep such matters hidden in darkness.
That’s why the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, developed by the National Right to Life Committee, presents problems for the abortion industry — it makes facing the reality of abortion unavoidable. If the law were brought into court, two inescapable facts would come to the public’s attention: that aborted babies are people with arms, legs, and faces, not “clumps of cells”; and that these children suffer horrible pain when their appendages are wrenched from their bodies.

When pain-capable unborn child protection bills do come up in state legislatures, as they have in the last year when Ohio and Kentucky adopted them, abortion promoters oppose the measures with a couple of suppositions. First, they believe that 20-week-old unborn babies don’t really suffer when dismembered; second, that the Supreme Court would find any bill protecting any babies before the 24th week of life to be unconstitutional.
In other words, abortion promoters say that if you’re in doubt about whether children in the womb go through agony as their bodies are crushed and torn, err on the side of cruelty. And even if these boys and girls go through unspeakable pain,the abortion lobby believes that the Supreme Court will say that such suffering is simply the collateral damage of “reproductive freedom.”

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