
Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Scars Left By an Abortion, From a Grandmother’s Perspective

 "Only my husband knew that I was crying for the baby who had not survived.”

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

Pro-lifers know that taking the life of an innocent unborn child can never be a “private” decision. The baby has—or ought to have—rights. There are fathers involved and far more often than we realize the child has siblings.

But now that my wife and I are grandparents we realize that grandparents rarely get talked about in the abortion context. I honestly can’t imagine the horror and the sense of helplessness. Someone’s grandchild is about to be obliterated by the child they’d hoped and prayed they’d raised to honor life, even—especially—in the tough times.

I was reminded of this yesterday when I re-read “Eyewitness to abortion.” It is a story from an unnamed grandmother to Amanda Cable of the Daily Mail. We will call her “Gladys.” It can be read—and should be read—in its entirety here.

But in case you can’t, let me quote just a few passages. The story begins….
My first granddaughter would have been six by now. I often watch children in the local playground and wonder what she would have been like. Other times, at night, I dream about her vividly, and know the answer.
Blonde-haired, blue-eyed and with a shy smile. Time and time again, I dream that she has just been born, and as she is handed to me, I name her Katie. Just as my heart is about to burst with joy, I wake up and realize that she does not exist.
I shall never know my granddaughter because her life was extinguished before it even had a chance to begin.
The story is chilling, on many levels. Her daughter thought she could never get pregnant, did so, and decided she must—must—have an abortion, even though it turned out she was not 15 or so weeks along but 23 weeks pregnant—one week short of the legal limit in Great Britain.

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