
Friday, September 8, 2017

United Methodist Pastor Runs Pro-Abortion Group: “It’s Time for the Religious Left to Rise Up”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

The Rev. Millie Horning Peters is pushing back as the United Methodist Church backs away from its pro-abortion past.

The Kentucky United Methodist preacher believes religious leaders should be more involved in promoting abortions and helping women get them, not less.

In an interview with Yes Magazine, Peters described how she has been fighting against efforts in her home state to protect moms and babies from abortion and encouraging other clergy to get involved, too.

“We’re seriously looking at the moral agency of women and what we can do—whether it’s a letter, a petition, [or] a bill,” Peters said. “We’ve got the power as individuals who are out for justice. We might as well get started with it.”
In her various roles with state pro-abortion groups, Peters has discouraged women from visiting pro-life pregnancy centers, spoken at pro-abortion rallies, testified in support of pro-abortion legislation and run booths at the state fair, according to the report. 

Other members of the pro-abortion groups she leads volunteer as abortion clinic escorts and drivers for women who need transportation to the abortion clinic.
“It’s time for the religious left to rise up,” Peters said of the current situation in Kentucky.
This week, the state and the last abortion clinic in Kentucky are in the midst of a legal battle to decide whether the abortion clinic should lose its license for not meeting state health and safety regulations. If the court rules in the state’s favor, Kentucky could become the first state without an abortion clinic.

The pro-abortion group Peters founded in 2014 has been fighting this and other efforts by state lawmakers to protect moms and unborn babies from abortion.

According to the report:

At the time that Peters got involved in the fight for reproductive rights, she was inactive in pastoral work and searching for her next calling. She said reproductive justice spoke to her like a moving scripture passage.

Blogger's comment:

Scripture tells us that children are a blessing. Psalm 139 declares that we were known by God while we were being knit together in our mother's womb. The Bible commands 'Thou shalt not kill'.  In short, human life is sacred. 

The term 'Pro-choice Christian' is an oxymoron.  It's impossible to be a Christian and support the killing of unborn babies.

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