
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Woman Regrets Her Abortion: “My Child Would Have Been 10 Years Old This Year”

Many pro-life pregnancy centers offer counseling for post-abortive women to help them work through their grief and pain

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Ten years ago, Maria thought that aborting her unborn baby was her only option for getting out of a very difficult situation.

The South African woman, whose name has been changed, told Health 24 News that her boyfriend abused her and pressured her repeatedly to abort their unborn baby.

Maria gave into the pressure and had her unborn baby’s life destroyed, not realizing how the decision would haunt her.

“I still remember how I struggled to make the decision. But my boyfriend kept on saying ‘We are not ready,’” she said. “The termination still affects me very badly.”
Maria said she refused the recommended counseling before and after her abortion, perhaps because she was afraid of being dissuaded.

Now, she deeply regrets aborting her unborn baby. Maria said she often wonders what her child would be like if he or she was alive today.

Here’s more from the report:

One decade later and Maria still wonders what would have happened if she had made a different choice. Her child would have turned 10 years old this year.

“Every time when I look at girls I become emotional. When I did the termination, the fetus was at such an early stage that the gender couldn’t be determined. But these days, never having had a daughter, that termination still affects me very badly,” she said.
Maria recently was admitted to the Tshwaragano Hospital in South Africa with depression, according to the report.

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