
Friday, October 13, 2017

Rain Falls as Women Rise Up on D.C. Mall

From Dr. Alveda C. King
Civil Rights for the Unborn (CRU)
Priests for Life

In a markedly different "Women's March" from the one the day after the 2017 presidential inauguration, women responded to a clarion call from Lou Engle of and gathered on the D.C. Mall to RISE UP and pray in the rain.

Watch video below or on YouTube using this link.

Joined by national men prayer leaders such as Dr. Raleigh Washington of Promise Keepers and Rev. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life who offered apologies for abuse of women and the abortion of millions of babies there were remarkable moments of Repentance, Forgiveness and Healing throughout the day.

Leaders and thousands gathered from all ethnic groups and prayed for ethnic unity based on the themes of one race united from the Acts 17:26 message of one human race, "One Blood," as the message of Esthers and Deborahs joined by Mordecais with women, mothers and daughters "rising up" and praying for spiritual transformation prevailed throughout the day.

At one intense moment, after Alveda King quoted Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. "We must learn to live together as brothers [and sisters] or perish together as fools," Cindy Jacobs of Generals International sobbed on her knees in Apology to Black women prayer leaders; "I'm sorry we didn't protect your babies." Alveda King of Civil Rights for the Unborn embraced Jacobs in a prayer of unity and forgiveness.

Read more HERE.

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