
Friday, October 13, 2017

“Weakest Link” Host Anne Robinson Regrets Her Abortion: “I’m Ashamed of What I’ve Done”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Anne Robinson is best known as the host of the “Weakest Link” game show in the UK. But this week, Robinson will share a very personal, painful side of her life in the new BBC documentary “Abortion On Trial.”

The Express reports Robinson, 73, aborted her unborn baby when she was 23 years old and newly married. It was an incredibly painful experience that still troubles her today.

“I was ashamed of what I’d done and I felt so depressed,” Robinson said. “I’d be unthinkable for me now.”
Reports do not give details about why Robinson chose to abort her unborn baby, but she described how she forced herself to go through with it.
“… the only way I felt I could go through with an abortion was if I didn’t think about … what I was doing. It was like someone who was shutting their eyes and jumping from a cliff,” Robinson remembered.
Afterward, Robinson said she felt terrified and lonely. Fear and depression quickly set in.
“I came from a Catholic family and I was well aware of what Catholicism thought of abortion and it was a really isolated place,” she said.
“Fear makes you behave in a very odd way,” she continued. “What I remember is, unexpectedly, the most terrible black doom came over me and it lasted for months.”
She said she recently decided to share her experience because she believes talking about abortion is important.

Despite the depression, fear and pain that she went through as a result of her baby’s death, Robinson said she will not allow herself to regret her decision. However, she also said she still feels ashamed and tries “very hard” not to think about it.

“I can see that a lot of that is inherent shame in me and after all these years and it’s nearly 50 years ago, so it runs very deep,” she said, according to the Daily Mail.
But maybe her unwillingness to confront her emotions is part of the problem. Abortion activists try to pass off abortion as no big deal, but it is a big deal for the millions of women who abort their unborn babies every year. Many like Robinson are hurting silently because they feel like they shouldn’t.
Studies indicate women are at greater risk of anxiety, depression, substance abuse and suicidal tendencies if they had an abortion. And confronting the root of the problem – their decision to have their unborn child’s life destroyed in an abortion – often is many women’s first step on their journey to healing.
Post-abortion healing programs help women and men work through their pain and loss by acknowledging that they did lose something, their unborn child. Abortion advocates try to hide this fact from women, often further deepening their pain. 
Post-abortion counseling and healing programs are valuable resources because they assure women that they can mourn for their child, and they can heal and forgive themselves.
Website: Life News 

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