
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Topless Feminists Throw Firebombs, Tampons and Feces at a Catholic Church to Protest Abortion

By Micaih Bilger
Life News

Pro-abortion feminists in Argentina staged a violent, topless protest Sunday to demand taxpayer-funded abortions and cultural acceptance of prostitution.

Crux reports protesters vandalized several buildings, including a Catholic cathedral in Argentina during the pro-abortion “Boob Protest.” Local news reports indicate the pro-abortion protesters threw rocks, a Molotov cocktail, bottles, tampons and feces, as well as balloons filled with paint. They also painted walls with messages such as “Death to the pope” and “Lesbianize yourself.”

The South American country protects unborn babies’ right to life in most cases. However, abortion activists met with legislators in September to push a new bill to legalize abortion on demand, Telesur TV reports.

On Sunday, women in the crowd demanded legal and taxpayer-funded abortions in Argentina. They could be heard chanting “To the Catholic, apostolic, Roman Church, that wants to place itself in our bed, we say that we want to be whores, transvestites and lesbians. Legal abortion in any place,” and “If the pope was a woman, abortion would be law,” according to the report.

Here’s more from Crux:

An estimated 40,000 women participated in a rally that closed Argentina’s 32nd “National Encounter of Women,” which this year took place in the northern city of Resistencia.
To try to avoid the usual annual attacks on cathedrals in the cities where these encounters take place, organizers made sure the building wasn’t included on their route. However, some 5,000 of the protesters broke ranks and went after the cathedral anyway.

Argentina has seen these types of crude and violent protests before.

Earlier this year, a group of abortion activists staged a gross and disgusting publicity stunt on International Women’s Day in Tucuman. They dressed up a woman to look like the Virgin Mary and then “killed” a model of an unborn baby Jesus in a mock abortion in front of a Catholic church.

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