
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Does the Gospel Matter When Helping Women and Men Choose Life?

by Ardee Coolidge

Is the pregnancy center an "emergency room?" Should pro-life people spend time and energy trying to convert a woman who is considering abortion?
Though one does not need to be a Christian to believe that children in the womb deserve protection, Gallup tells us that most pro-life people identify as Christians . This makes sense. After all, Jesus Christ said that His disciples were to love “the least of these.” The Apostle James wrote that the religion that is faultless and pure is to care for orphans and widows. David wrote in the Psalms that God knits us together in our mother’s wombs and that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

So while not everyone who says they are “pro-life” is a believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, many believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ are pro-life.

Though the Gospel is a driving force behind much of the pro-life movement, more and more pro-lifers are questioning its efficacy in pregnancy center ministry. Why spend time and energy trying to convert a woman who is considering abortion? They argue that our time is better spent getting pregnant women to choose life for their babies; salvation can come at a later date. Women considering abortion are in crisis, making pregnancy centers an “emergency room.” You don’t share the gospel in an “emergency room”; you quickly fix the problem and move on to the next problem.

Founded in 1975, Care Net is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that supports one of the largest networks of pregnancy centers in North America and runs the nation’s only real-time call center providing pregnancy decision coaching. Use this link to read their Vision and Mission Statement.  


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