
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Moral Shingles Vaccine FDA Approved

Morally produced shingles vaccine 
approved in both US and Canada

from Children of God for Life

(Largo, FL) Children of God for Life announced today that the long-awaited, morally produced shingles vaccine has received FDA approval for licensing in the US. Shingrix, made by Glaxo SmithKline (GSK) pharmaceutical company is produced using Chinese hamster cells, unlike Merck’s Zostavax which uses aborted fetal cells.

“Until now, people wanting to have protection from shingles have had to either use Merck’s aborted fetal version or abstain entirely”, stated Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director at Children of God for Life. “We are thrilled that GSK has finally given the US a moral option!”

Article continues here 


Children of God for Life is a ProLife Outreach whose mission is:

1) To petition the vaccine manufacturers to produce safe, effective alternatives for Rubella/MMR, Hepatitis-A and Chickenpox that are not derived from or cultivated on aborted fetal tissue. Further, in the event there is a lack of cooperation on the pharmaceutical companies' part, Children of God for Life will seek to import alternatives from overseas through a formal IND application to the FDA (currently in progress)

2) To discourage the further production of vaccines or medical treatments that are derived from deliberately destroyed human life, including fetal tissue and Embryonic Stem Cell Research

3) To encourage the use of alternatives where they are available and to educate the public as to how their family physicians may obtain these alternatives

4) To uphold the individual rights of any person, who in good moral conscience refuses to use these vaccines due to their source.

For more information on this organization or to make a donation to help them with their work, please use this link.  

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