
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Here’s What That Liberal Lawmaker Said to Star Parker AFTER the Abortion Bill Hearing

By Star Parker
Black Community News

During my testimony yesterday at a Congressional Committee hearing about abortion, I testified how abortion does not address the needs of the most vulnerable in our country and should NOT be considered a government program such as Medicaid or food stamps (SNAP). 

What you’ll see below is what is now a viral video of an attack on me from Democratic Representative Steve Cohen because he was so offended by my message. You will see his attack in the video below where he told me I was ignorant.

Also, after the hearing, Cohen approached me, put his finger in my face, and gave me his office number. He told me to come and apologize to him in person.

This offended liberal congressman represents the poor parts of Memphis, Tennessee. These are distressed communities where CURE works to spread our message about limited government. These communities have a poverty rate that is the highest in the nation at 30 percent and climbing!
Eight of the zip codes in and around his district have triple the rate of infant mortality than the rest of the nation. If this area was its own country, it would be the fourth worst in the world for infant mortality.

So please watch this video, share it with your friends, and tell your friends to share it as we upset the liberal establishment, talk about ignorance, how abortion is not healthcare, and make a change for life!

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