
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Abortion Lobby Denies Science Concerning Beginning of Human Life

By Dr. Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.

In a bold new article, abortion advocates attack President Trump’s HHS plan promising protection for Americans “at every stage of life, beginning at conception” by claiming that “life doesn’t begin at conception.”

The article, which appeared in Romper, cites all the usual suspects of Big Abortion, such as Planned Parenthood and the Center for Reproductive Rights, to back up its incredible assertion that a human zygote is not a human being.

Curiously, the one authority not cited is the one that really matters: embryology texts for medical schools.

In her piece titled “3 Ways Science Proves Life Doesn’t Begin At Conception, Despite What The HHS Strategic Plan Is Telling You,” writer Alana Romain embarks on the herculean task of defending the indefensible claim that human life starts sometime after conception.

Readers may already start wondering about the cogency of Ms. Romain’s argument when only one of the “3 ways science proves life doesn’t begin at conception” even deals with the question.

Points 2 and 3 propose the unremarkable and universally accepted notions that “Many Complications Can (And Often Do) Occur Between Fertilization & Birth” and “Without The Mother, The Embryo Wouldn’t Survive.” The only problem with these self-evident propositions is that they have absolutely nothing to do with the thesis that “science proves life doesn’t begin at conception.”

Point 1 is the only argument worth addressing, and bears the odd title “A Fertilized Egg Can Turn Into A Baby — But That Doesn’t Mean It Will.”

The heart of Ms. Romain’s contention is that ideological opposition to abortion leads to an oversimplification of what is really a very complex biological reality:

But as medical experts have pointed out, fertilization shouldn’t be considered the beginning of life, because, well, biology is much more complicated and flawed than our ideological opinions might like it to be.

This isn’t much of an argument, and unfortunately for Ms. Romain and other abortion advocates, it doesn’t correspond to what science actually teaches. Even a cursory look through basic human embryology textbooks reveals an unmistakable pattern: a genetically unique human individual comes into being at the moment that the sperm fertilizes the ovum.

Breitbart article continues

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