
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Planned Parenthood Worker Admits 'It's a Baby,' Begs for God's Forgiveness

"They [pro-lifers] are telling the truth. It is what they say, how horrible it really is and that is coming from inside [PP]. I have seen it."

By Samuel Smith
Christian Post

A grief-stricken Christian Planned Parenthood worker has revealed the reality behind her employer — it is as bad as pro-lifers say it is. Can God forgive her for working at the nation's largest abortion provider, she asked.

Last Friday, an anonymous Planned Parenthood employee called into Dr. Michael Brown's nationally syndicated conservative talk radio show "The Line of Fire" and expressed serious regret for the fact that she has been working for Planned Parenthood in an administrative position for over four months.

Even though she opposes abortion, the caller took the position because she was a single mother in need of a well-paying job.

The woman assured that in her position, she was not required to conduct the abortion procedures. However since taking the job, she explained, she hasn't experienced the same level of happiness and even stopped going to church because she felt so embarrassed to be working for Planned Parenthood, which ends the lives of over 300,000 unborn children every year.

"I know we have to answer to God for everything that we do, but will I be judged the same way as people who actually have abortions and things like that?" The woman asked Brown, who is pro-life. "How do you think God sees that? Do you think I am too far gone to go back?"

Brown, a Jewish believer in Christ who is an apologist and author with a Ph.D. in near eastern languages and literatures from New York University, assured her that she is not too far gone to go back but that she must immediately quit her job.

"First, you are not too far gone to go back but you need to get out of there. You got no business working there but God is merciful and compassionate and He understands your struggles — a single mom, all the issues you are dealing with. There is forgiveness," Brown assured. "Jesus died for any and all sins you've committed. It's not that you have left God entirely, you just made a wrong decision. It's one that is understandable but it is absolutely wrong and you need to get out of there and trust God for your next step. He won't fail you."

Brown added that because the caller is a child of God, she was feeling God's "conviction."

"Because you are His child, the joy isn't there and it can't be because you are facilitating people's abortions," Brown said, adding that her administrative job "would be, in that respect, no different than say if during the days of slave trade that your job was to register how many people were on the ship and how many survived or height and weight for sale or something like that. Or, if you were in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust and your job was to count the shoes that were taken from the Jewish prisoners or gold teeth that were taken or whatever."

"For sure, the Holy Spirit is not letting you be comfortable," he added. "For sure, your own conscience is not letting you be comfortable but don't think for a moment that God's grace is not there."

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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