
Saturday, November 18, 2017

School Lets Planned Parenthood Push Sex and Abortion on 14-Year-Olds Without Telling Their Parents

They did not notify parents “because the content or material within the presentation is not considered inappropriate” for ninth graders

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A New York state parent complained to the Schenectady School Board on Wednesday after learning that her ninth-grade daughter participated in a Planned Parenthood sex education program without her knowledge.

The Daily Gazette reports Vivian Parsons, of Schenectady, has a very personal reason for opposing the abortion chain’s influence on young students like her daughter.

When she was 18, Parsons said she became pregnant with her daughter, and her daughter’s father pressured her to have an abortion. Parsons said she never considered abortion, but she knows that Planned Parenthood would have readily agreed to end her unborn daughter’s life.

“They would have killed her for $250 and moved on,” Parsons told the local news. “How can the people who would not have hesitated in ending her life short turn around and be the ones who quote-unquote teach my daughter to make life choices?”
Superintendent Larry Spring said the school erred in not informing parents of the sex education presentation. Spring said he “was under the impression” that parents would be notified and given them chance to opt-out.

The Planned Parenthood sex education assembly was called “First Love Yourself” and was taught to freshmen at Schenectady High School last Thursday, according to the report. The presentation included information about teen pregnancy and stories from teenage parents.

On Thursday, Karen Corona, a spokeswoman for the school district, said they did not notify parents “because the content or material within the presentation is not considered inappropriate” for ninth graders.
Parsons disagreed. She said she found out about the abortion chain’s presentation after her daughter came home from school last week.
“I have a right to know if this kind of stuff will be presented to my daughter,” Parsons told the school board. “Not every parent is OK with an association with Planned Parenthood, irregardless of content.”
There potentially could be another reason why parents were not notified in advance: public outrage. In the past year, at least four other school districts abandoned Planned Parenthood-based sex education programs after the communities found out.

Earlier this month, Spokane Public Schools in Washington state rejected programs offered by the top abortion chain in the nation, Inlander reports. School districts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina made similar moves this year.

Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the United States, aborting more than 320,000 unborn babies every year. The abortion chain also teaches sex education in public schools across the country, and promotes risky sexual behavior to vulnerable young teens at its clinics.

In 2014, Live Action release an undercover video series showing Planned Parenthood employees encouraging young teens to participate in sado-masochistic sexual activities, including gagging, whipping, asphyxiation, shopping at sex stores and viewing pornography.

LifeNews also reported Planned Parenthood’s booklet for HIV-positive youth, “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” tells young people that it is their “human right” to not tell their partner that they have HIV.

The abortion giant also publishes multiple “resources” for children and teenagers concerning sexual activity.  These materials claim to provide “age appropriate” sex education to children starting at age four.

Planned Parenthood justifies starting sex-education at such a young age by stating, “Ideally, medical accurate sexuality education would be taught each year in our schools from pre-kindergarten to 12th grade.”

Blogger's Note:

This is just one example how a parent unmasked Planned Parenthood's evil agenda in a school district.  To say that PP is for a "women's choice" is a cover for destroying the lives of not only innocent unborn babies, but also indoctrinating our children into accepting perverse, unhealthy and life threatening sexual activities.  

PP promotes and supports the murder of unborn babies and the moral corruption of children by using our taxpayer dollars in public schools.  It is our responsibility to protect and defend life from those who choose to destroy life.  

We are all called to protect and defend the most vulnerable among us, our children, born and unborn. 

This is a spiritual battle between good and evil. Pray that churches, clergy, and people of faith, across America, will take a bold stand against this ungodly organization that seeks to destroy children and families. 

"Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness..." Isaiah 5:20

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