
Monday, December 11, 2017

Abby Johnson will Lead a Rally at PP in Waco on Tuesday, Dec. 19th

from John Pisciotta, Director
Pro-Life Waco

As usual, I have good news and bad news in our battle against the shedding of innocent blood at the hands of Planned Parenthood in Waco.

My best information is that we may be spared abortions again this week. However, for the week before Christmas there will likely be abortions onDecember 20, 21st, and 22nd. This is a Wednesday/Thursday/Friday.

The good news is that Abby Johnson will be coming to Waco on Tuesday, December 19 for a rally during the noon hour at Planned Parenthood at 700 West Hwy. 6. Abby Johnson managed an abortion facility in Bryan, Texas and fled to the pro-life side in October of 2009. Abby has written, spoken, and acted in dynamic ways for the Gospel of Life since here conversion. 

Please mark your calendar. Pro-Life Waco invites you to come out as early as 11 AM on the 19th for prayer, fellowship, and some hot refreshments to warm you up for Abby's encouragement and other rally features. Central Texas life defenders will call out PP for a likely Christmas week massacre. We hope for press coverage.

This will be an excellent opportunity for you and me to invite new friends to take in a life-defender event.

I don't know the name of the rally. Perhaps you can name the event. The theme is the disgraceful abomination of Planned Parenthood extinguishing the lives of babies in the womb just days before their first Christmas. I have thought of these rally names. You can do better at naming than this senior citizen.

--Christmas is for Angels not Abortions
--Abortions are not Christmas gifts
--No to Planned Parenthood Abortions at Christmas 

Just write meat 
 to let me know what you think we ought to name the rally. 

I want everyone to know that Abby Johnson took the initiative to propose this event and did so without compensation. Central Texas life defenders are getting outstanding support for our valiant efforts. I have stated that our discipleship should make Planned Parenthood in Waco face stronger opposition than any other abortion facility in the history of the State of Texas. I believe this is happening. Let's pull together and pray together for this worthy cause. None of us will receive personal benefit from what we do except to know that we have aligned our actions with God’s will.

We continue our outreach on many fronts:

Pray. Pray. Pray.

At any time, come and pray along the front of PP near the HWY 6 service road. The sidewalk has been cut into pieces and taken away. We can pray on sand. We do not come to 700 W HWY 6 for comfort. Of course, pray for life wherever you are.

Christmas Caroling on Fridays, December 15 and 22

In two decades, Pro-Life Waco has never done this. We will come together on the in the PP public right-of-way at the corner of HWY 6 service road and Sanger Avenue for Christmas Caroling on two consecutive Fridays before Christmas. The time is 4 to 5:30 pm. The address is 700 W. HWY 6. Come with your family and friends. Ellen Staniszewski and her musical elves will have the music prepared for you to sing. Also, there will be refreshments to drink and eat. I have heard a rumor that Santa will appear on one or both evenings. The caroling may also go out into the adjacent residential neighborhood, which suffers most from having an abortion facility just steps away from their residences. This will be a high-spirited time of fellowship. We engage a difficult conflict. However, Planned Parenthood will never take away our joy in supporting the Gospel of Life.

Wednesday, December 13: 8 am Mass. Then Rosary at HWY 6. 

The 8 am Mass on Wednesday the 13th at St. Louis Church (2001 N 25th Street) will be celebrated for the pro-life intentions of life and love for babies and mothers. Then, following the Mass, those who wish and others around the city will drive out to the Plan Parenthood abortion/birth control facility on HWY 6 to pray the Rosary and other prayers. Wednesday mornings at PP have developed into an enjoyable time of camaraderie. All, Catholic or not, are welcome.

T-Shirt Tuesday. 

YOU are the most powerful sign possible. Each Tuesday is pro-life T-shirt Tuesday. Wear either your black or your red T-shirt. I have had such positive experiences wearing my T-shirts in public on Tuesdays and other days.

New developments at Planned Parenthood unfolded at a dizzying pace last week. Here’s a summary:

Construction of 8-foot-tall wooden fence around Planned Parenthood continues. The frame is 80% complete. Only a very small segment of the actual fence is installed. When complete, the fence will block Planned Parenthood clients and employees from seeing the pro-life faithful (except for the drive way). The fence may be completed by the end of the week.

The destruction of the Planned Parenthood sidewalk happened. In a very curious turn of events, the sidewalk installed to meet Waco zoning laws was removed at substantial expense to Planned Parenthood. This sidewalk was 6 foot-wide and the length of a football field. This is one of the shortest-lived sidewalks in the history of mankind. One might say that the sidewalk was aborted.

Both the Waco Police Department and the city of Waco Zoning Department have banned parking the billboard truck either in street parking or at a clinic parking space for which I have permission to park.

I’m looking closely into the legalities of what the city is has done and is doing regarding the the sidewalk and the banning of Carolyn the billboard truck.

There will be NO overpass outreach over Interstate 35 on Saturday, December 16.
Wow, I wonder what surprises are ahead for this week.

As Christmas approaches let us pray for decisions for life and love and not . . .(I don’t want to end this message with that awful word.)

Pro-Life Waco is a local community-based organization with collaborative relationships with regional and national pro-life affiliations. Pro-Life Waco is committed to ending abortion, its damaging effects among women, and promoting chastity.  For more information on Pro-Life Waco, please use this link.

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